Today our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven let our hearts ascend with him. Paul in his letter to the Colossians (Col. Augustine first points us to reflect on the Ascension with the words of St. Read a few excerpts from a beautiful sermon on the Ascension of Jesus from around the beginning of the fifth century, composed by early church father and bishop St. Mass Readings for the Ascension Sunday 2023.Reflection on the Ascension of the Lord.The Church expects Catholics to attend Mass every Sunday already, so when the Ascension is celebrated on a Sunday, attendance is doubly encouraged.

When celebrated on a Thursday, the Ascension of the Lord remains a holy day of obligation. For this reason, it is now often referred to as “Ascension Sunday.” The day of celebration – Thursday or Sunday – seems to vary from diocese to diocese and country to country in 2023. dioceses, however, have moved the celebration of the Ascension to the seventh Sunday of Easter. Historically, this holy has been celebrated 40 days after Easter Sunday – the Thursday in the sixth week of Easter.

The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord commemorates Jesus’ ascension into Heaven.